Web Developer | Mechatronics engineering

About me
I love programming and everything related to the internet and new technologies, when I turned 16 years old I bought my first computer, with this computer I learned to design my first 3d models and then allowed me to get started in the world of programming, this experience pushed me to study industrial automation engineering. During the pandemic I have focused on improving my professional career in software development for the web, I'm almost completely self-taught, doing projects and improving day by day.
Alberto Arias
Date of bird:
June 23
(+57) 321 498 6813
Zipaquira, COL
Landing page

Professional landing page designed from scratch to enhance personal branding for clients, 100% responsive design.
Portfolio V3

Welcome to my portfolio, this is a project to show who I am and what knowledge I am acquiring over time, this includes my experience, personal projects, something about me, and a little gratitude to all my mentors along to my technological career.
Note app

This is the presentation of the final project of the full stack boocam of Midudev which consists of an app to post messages on a public board.
Tu pieza 3D

Personal project to increase the visibility of my 3D products.
Password manager
This is the presentation of the final project of the full stack boocam of pildorasinformaticas which consists of an application for encrypted storage of web site passwords.
Live app message

Application built with socket IO to distribute messages to anyone connected to the server.
Rapid Fire

Python script to shoot at a higher speed than any human can reach
Temperature monitor

Customized project for a company dedicated to the cultivation of roses, consists of a temperature and humidity sensor in real time to notify when the temperature goes out of the preset parameters.
Portfolio V2

Is a light version of my current portfolio for better accounting with browsers.
My services
Development of templates,UI/UX designe,research, design, implementation and correction of user interfaces flexible to any environment
evelopment, validation, finite element analysis, generation of manufacturing drawings
Solid Works
Fusion 360
Development of software solutions.
Programming of microcontrollers, plc, sensor reading, and implementation of automation solutions.
Pic | Esp32
Modeling, printing, painting and post-processing service, for 3d FDM printing
Ultimaker Cura
recording and editing of images, photographs, logos, videos and short films
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